什么是大学实习? 在毕业前积累经验有很多好处.

Real world experience is an invaluable tool for any college student looking forward to graduation. 但是如何在入门阶段获得经验呢? A 大学实习可能是一个解决方案 教育和经验的两难境地. By seeking out and attending a college which offers real world experience in the form of an externship, students like you could gain valuable experience which looks great on a resume. 继续往下读,了解更多.


实习不同于实习 在几个关键方面. Externships are typically shorter in duration, lasting only a few days on average. 实习时间可能长达数月,包括工作职责. 实习更多的是一个观察机会. 这让学生对行业和工作有了初步的了解, 没有实习的长期承诺或责任.

虽然这两个机会都提供了宝贵的经验, an externship could be the faster path to reaching your educational goals.


An extern is expected to observe, ask questions, and learn from the professionals on site. 尽量准时或提前到达, 保持在场和参与, 遵守着装要求. If possible, write down names and job titles as you are introduced to new people. The workers you meet at your externship are the beginning of your new 专业的网络.

还记得, 你是来学习的, as well as decide if this is the type of environment or role you want to pursue in the future. Soak it all in and reflect carefully on what you learn and see during your externship.


An externship could offer many benefits to college students of all ages:

经验: Gaining experience and exposure in your field of study is a huge advantage when it comes to searching for work in your industry. 抓住这个机会问问题, 测试你的知识, and gain insights into the day-to-day responsibilities and duties of the job.

网络: 同时你还能获得实践经验, 学生还可以从实习期间建立的人际关系中受益. You could meet professionals in the industry who may become valuable contacts. 开始建立你的 专业的网络 在大学里为自己的成功做好准备. 你永远不知道机会会从哪里(或谁)而来.

信心: Honing your skills during an industry externship could help your confidence as well. When you are confident in your abilities, it is easier for others to be, too. Work hard to develop job-specific skills as well as general soft skills: communication, 时间管理, 团队合作, 解决问题对你在任何环境中都有好处.


许多大学与学生合作寻找 校外实习的机会. A hands-on college may have industry connections and partnerships for the benefit of students like you. Speak to your advisor or career services department to find out what 校外实习的机会 may be available to you.

It is important to follow all application instructions to the letter. 仔细检查你的工作. Have friends, family, instructors, classmates, and your advisor look it over. 一定要考虑到所有的反馈.



在你的实习期间,你很可能是一个观察的角色. You may be shadowing an individual or a department for a week or two. 充分利用这段时间:

积极倾听: 这意味着你倾听是为了理解,而不是回应. 参加所有的会议或一对一的交流. 仔细而深思地倾听. 即使你认为你了解正在讨论的材料, it is important to learn the mentality and processes of whatever work environment you occupy.

笔记: Taking notes in meetings or discussions is an underrated and highly useful skill. Get in the habit of jotting things down, whether on paper or on your laptop. 你是否需要参考点, it demonstrates that you are listening and committed to the purpose of the chat.

热情: Showing up with passion and motivation are crucial for success at an externship. Nobody expects you to be an expert, but they do expect you to be eager to learn. 睁大你的眼睛和耳朵,寻找观察新技能的机会, 参加团队会议, 与他人合作. 谁知道? If you impress the right people, your externship could transform into a job offer.


  • 设定目标: Identify what you’d like to learn from this experience and share it with your advisor or the worker you’re shadowing. Focus your efforts on learning as much as possible about your desired areas of expertise.
  • 是积极的: 当不积极与工人接触时, 不要只是无所事事地站着给朋友发短信, 或滚动TikTok. Ask questions, offer assistance, or brainstorm solutions to issues in your purview.
  • 沟通清楚: Whether written or verbal, collect and organize your thoughts before communicating to others. 用专业的语言和语气说话, 提供最新进展, 在需要澄清的地方寻求澄清.
  • 表现出热情: 积极的态度可以让你走得更远,尤其是在入门阶段. Anyone can learn the skills of a task or job, but an eagerness to contribute can’t be taught.
  • 建立关系: 对你遇到的每个人都要礼貌、尊重、专业. It is important to establish a reputation as someone others enjoy working with.
  • 专业: 把你的实习当作一次长期的、扩展的工作面试. Dress appropriately for your field and role, speak professionally, and ask questions.
  • 从错误中学习: 每个人都会犯错,但不是每个人都能从中学习. Do yourself a favor and make a habit of finding the silver lining in any situation. 错误是一次学习的经历,你在那里学习.
  • 跟进: It’s always a nice touch to send a thank you card or email to your host after an externship experience. This could help keep you top of mind when the company is looking for workers—you never know!


实习是完成学业的最佳途径. Take advantage of 校外实习的机会 to observe workers in your industry on the job, 问一大堆问题, 获得实践经验, 磨练你的软技能.

实习不仅有助于提高你的工作技能, 但这也表明了你对自己领域的投入. By taking on this responsibility, you’re going above and beyond the requirements for graduation. 哪个雇主不想要这样的员工呢?


The best way to learn a language is to immerse yourself in it, right? 教育也是如此. 让自己沉浸在学习中,参加校外实习, 你可以在你的行业中变得“流利”.

College externships are a great way for college students to get hands-on experience in their field of study, 建立有价值的关系, 提高他们的技能. 如果你正在学习成为你所在领域的专业人士, 考虑一下大学实习,让你的简历脱颖而出.


十大正规网堵平台录取 hands-on education and maintains employer relationships to offer externships 给学生. 你的职业顾问今天就可以帮助你采取下一步行动. 联系十大正规网堵平台了解更多信息并开始. 它可能是 你做过的最好的决定!


免责声明- 十大正规网堵平台不作任何声明, 保修, or guarantee as to actual employability or earning potential to current, past or future students or graduates of any educational program we offer. The 十大正规网堵平台 website is published for informational purposes only. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on the 十大正规平台.edu domain; however, no 保修 of accuracy is made. No contractual rights, either expressed or implied, are created by its content.